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Unknown member
Mar 07, 2022
Welcome to the forum! A quick admin note, If you want to adjust how often you get email notifications. Top right of the Forum page there is a circle where you may have your profile picture. Click on this to get a drop down menu of MY PROFILE / SETTINGS / LOG OUT. Select settings. This should take you to a page of NOTIFICATION SETTINGS. Scrolling down the page, you will find a list of FORUM INSTANT NOTIFICATIONS with tick boxes to opt in or out. If you prefer, you can deselect these, and opt instead to get a daily or weekly summary. Hope that's helpful. We are new to this software, and still figuring it out!
Welcome to the forum! A quick admin note, If you want to adjust how often you get email notifications. Top right of the Forum page there is a circle where you may have your profile picture. Click on this to get a drop down menu of MY PROFILE / SETTINGS / LOG OUT. Select settings. This should take you to a page of NOTIFICATION SETTINGS. Scrolling down the page, you will find a list of FORUM INSTANT NOTIFICATIONS with tick boxes to opt in or out. If you prefer, you can deselect these, and opt instead to get a daily or weekly summary. Hope that's helpful. We are new to this software, and still figuring it out!